Bumper on the steps of the Brownstone. (Illustration by Ella Laytham).
Discussion Questions:
1. Is Melinda's rage warranted? She goes a little far at the beginning, yes, so why do you think she relents and becomes less vengeful over time?
2. Was it okay that the author (as in … me!) gave Russell a voice in this book? Do you feel he got his "comeuppance" in the end?
3. What do you make of Evelyn's transition throughout the book? (And what would you think if I told you I finished a whole draft of this book - as in a completed 400 page draft - that was told in 1st person POV from Evelyn's perspective?? What was gained from telling it in 3rd person with multiple perspectives instead?)
4. Yes, Russell is a terrible person. But there are also some perfectly decent men in this book. Is this book in the fantasy genre? (Or put in a completely different almost unrelated way: Isn't it impressive the way women are always able to reinvent themselves over and over again, even in the face of hardship?)
5. Pottery with slugs. A beautiful brownstone with hideous appliances. A lovely person full of flaws. Discuss!
Have you been to Greenwich Village in New York City? It’s a very special place!